Fifth anniversary edition of the festival was meant to be in 2020 but unfortunately as was the case for of most of the world it got affected by covid closures. We postponed the festival till September, 23th to 26th 2021.
It was hard as restrictions were still in place in many countries and our UK headliners participation was hanging in the balance because of that but we were determined to bring live entertainment to our audiences again to make up for the long dull lockdown days.
Our headliner Miss Betsy Rose from UK, one of the top 50 21th Century Burlesque Poll performers many years in the row made it to be with us, as well as our first queen Amber Topaz also from UK. We were very happy to have our other two queens Magie Noire, Bohemian Queen 2018 from Slovakia and 2019 Queen Settie Mois from Germany with us too.
Even though we were sadly missing our 2017 Queen, we enjoyed a lovely row of four Bohemian Queens at the crowning ceremony of the new winner Bohemian Queen 2021 Fallka La Coquine, our first local Czech Burlesque Queen. Our lovely new Saturday venue in Prague, art deco hall of Autoklub Czech republic also saw the new Bohemian Princess 2021 crowned and the title went to Miss Adelaide from Italy.
Despite the fact that we had understandably many cancelations and had to replace more then half of the originally selected cast, we managed to produce a successful festival in the tail end of the pandemic of which we are very proud. Our audience evidently missed live entertainment very much because we sold out two of out three evening shows.