Bohemian Cabaret Ostrava
13th of November 2024
Divadlo Petra Bezruče
Bohemian Cabaret Brno
14th of November 2024
První Patro, Brno
Bohemian Cabaret Prague
15th of November 2024
Hotel Belvedere, Prague
Bettie Bombshell (AUS)
Ruby Monroe (ESP)
Frankie Fictitious (USA)
Miss B La Rose (USA)
Tiny Djinn (BEL)
Suzy Feather & Elektra Show (CZE)
Kitty Errington (GBR)
Vilu La Pavonia (DEU)
Carlotta Tatata (FRA)
Princess Beatrycze (POL)
Lady Roberta Kent (ITA)
Velena Rossa (FRA)
Madame Magneta (NLD)
Rosabelle Sélavy (FRA)
Yassmine de Mortifére (CZE)
Bettie Bombshell (AUS)
Ruby Monroe (ESP)
Frankie Fictitious (USA)
Miss B La Rose (USA)
Tiny Djinn (BEL)
Nina Clementina (CZE)
Veren De Heddge (POL)
Galeb (CZE)
Suzy Feather & Elektra Show (CZE)
Duo Euphoria acro (CZE)
Kitty Errington (GBR)
Ruby Tsunami (CZE)
Rose de Noir (POL)
Tiffany Tiger (CZE)
Bettie Bombshell (AUS)
Ruby Monroe (ESP)
Frankie Fictitious (USA)
Miss B La Rose (USA)
Tiny Djinn (BEL)
Bohemian Bombshells (CZE)
Rosabelle Sélavy (FRA)
Kitty Errington (GBR)
Joan J. Harlow (CZE)
Lady Fox (POL)
Aran Mars (CZE)
Lala L'More (FIN)
Lady Roberta Kent (ITA)
Lola Itsy (ITA)
Onyxia Oh Dear (FIN)
Bohemian Queen Night
16th of November, 2024
Autoklub ČR, Prague
Bohemian Market
16th of November 2024
Autoklub ČR, Prague
Bettie Bombshell (AUS)
Ruby Monroe (ESP)
Frankie Fictitious (USA)
Miss B La Rose (USA)
Tiny Djinn (BEL)
Bohemian Bombshells (CZE)
Velma Vogue (GBR)
Emilie Bon Reve (ITA)
Miss Mistress (UKR)
Nathalie Sonnenschine (POL)
Lila Mae (SVK)
Miss Sweet Mimi (ESP)
Poupée Rouge (ITA)
Minou deliCat (DEU)
Tuna Tartare (ITA)
Gina Groll (CZE)
Furia Di Velour (POL)
Mayra (SVK)
Edith von Hammer (ITA)
Magic show Yor-el (ESP)
Performance and singing Ginny Sapphire (DEU)
Missy Hypnotic (ITA)
Enola Liberty (CZE)
Eternyx (SVK)
Amuse Buche (ITA)
Paprika (ITA)
Betty Bombastic (HUN)
Odette Chochotte (ITA)
Claire Says Yeah (GBR)
Kira Wylde (CHE)
Maybe Too Much (FIN)
Violett Femme (USA)
Luna Diva (CZE)
Rana Hava (DEU)
Sissi Della Rose (FRA)
Ravenna Radeyah (NLD)
Dia D'Licious (SVK)
Bang Bang Baileys (FIN)
Blacky Valentine (ITA)
Wicky Wilde (EST)
Chérie Coquette (CAN)
Pab Buenapasion (ITA)